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About Our Clinic


Physical therapy will be directly accessible to all people in Texas as the profession of choice for the enhancement of wellness, movement and function.


The Texas Physical Therapy Association exists to optimize the health and well-being of people in Texas by advancing physical therapist practice.


The following goals were approved by the Texas Assembly on Friday, October 26, 2012:


  1. The legislative, regulatory and advocacy environment will support the physical therapist as the practitioner of choice for wellness, movement and function. 
  2. Patient coverage benefits and payment for physical therapist services in all settings will be fair and equitable and they will be based on sound professional principles and requirement of medical necessity.
  3. A majority of Texas physical therapists, physical therapist assistants and students will be TPTA members.
  4. Members’ ability as practitioners of choice will be enhanced through professional development opportunities provided by TPTA.
  5. Resources are provided to members to build, enhance and sustain their physical therapist practice in a variety of settings.
  6. Targeted consumer and professional groups will recognize the benefits of physical therapy.